How much is your home worth?

Request your instant online house valuation now.

Find out the latest estimate of your home’s value for free, so you can decide if now is the right time to move. Simply enter your postcode and a few brief details and we’ll use the very latest market data to tell you how much your home is worth right now.
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Property values from the latest data

Our instant online valuations come from the most up-to-date market data, so you can be confident in the estimate you get.
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Discover what other homes are selling for

Find out what the homes around you have been selling for, so you can compare your property and decide if now is the right time to move.
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Find out your monthly rental potential

Thinking of renting out your home? Your free online valuation tells you how much you can expect to earn in monthly rent.
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Why do I need a house valuation?

An instant online house valuation is the best way to assess what your property could be worth and whether now is the right time to sell.

If you’re happy with the estimate you get, the next step is to book a full market appraisal where a local expert will take a look around your home and factor in any improvements you’ve made to give you an even more accurate estimate of your property’s value.

How is the property valuation calculated?

Our instant online valuations are calculated using the very latest data from the Land Registry.

While the data is accurate and trusted, it only provides an estimate of what your property could be worth and doesn’t consider any improvements you may have made to your home that could increase its value.

To get an even better idea of your home’s value before putting it on the market, a full market appraisal from an estate agent is highly recommended.

Is an online house valuation accurate?

Online valuations are estimates and should be used as a guide.

A full market appraisal from a local agent is the best way to get an accurate picture of your property’s value before you decide to sell.

How can I increase the value of my home?

There are several ways you can add value to your home, whether you have a budget for major improvements or just want to make cosmetic upgrades.

While adding space through an extension or loft conversion could boost your property’s value substantially, even small improvements to your kitchen or living space can lift its valuation.

Improving your garden can also add amazing value to your home and our guide explains how.

How do I prepare my house for a valuation?

Before your estate agent comes to undertake a market appraisal on your home, you should take steps to show it off in its best light.

Prepare for your agent’s valuation by:

  • Cleaning up and removing any clutter
  • Opening curtains and allowing natural light in
  • Arranging your furniture to show off the space
  • Fixing any minor defects, such as cracked tiles or damaged flooring
  • Tidy your outdoor spaces and garden to boost your kerb appeal and make a great first impression
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Get an instant rental and sales valuation for your property

Get your FREE Valuation Report now to get an estimate of the sale or rental value of your property.

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Request a non-obligation at home valuation today

We offer an online booking system to allow you to request a free valuation of your home. Upon confirmation, one of our local property experts will appraise your property and share a detailed sales and rental report showing your properties potential.


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