Back To School

Back To School

Today we look at what you can do to ease the back-to-school nerves children may be facing ahead of the new academic year.

and the ongoing fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic have been tough for
everyone but it’s been especially hard for school-aged children.

have gone months without seeing a lot of their friends, have had their
routine turned upside down and now face new worries as the schools head

Challenging times for parents and kids alike however some
ideas from the University of Calgary in Canada may help ease any
Covid-19 concerns that going back to school may bring.


what children can expect when they go to school as things will look and
feel very different from before. For younger kids, talk to them about
changes in their classroom, how some activities may be postponed until
things return to normal and make them aware that some familiar people
may be wearing unfamiliar face masks. Ask older children if they have
any concerns or want to talk about the return to school.


children look towards adults for how to behave so by giving them
attention, and showing you understand and are with them, helps reassure
them that things will be ok. Yes it’s ok for you to have nerves and
worries too!

Be Positive

Having missed so much ask them
what they are most looking forward to? Who or what they have missed the
most? And once they’ve returned to school, ask them what the best thing
that happened during the day was?

Set Routines

Of all the
tips featured the authors of the report have stated that establishing a
back-to-school routine is perhaps the most vital. So consider getting
back to a routine around meals and setting regular times for going to
bed and waking up.

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community we serve as being about more than helping people move and find
homes. That’s why we often publish articles which have nothing to do
with estate agency but everything to do with offering help and advice to
the people, young and old, of Thackley.

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