Standout Features
Property Description
POTENTIAL For sale by Modern Method of Auction: Starting Bid Price £200,000 plus Reservation Fee.
Huge opportunity to purchase these former workshops, and dwelling located just of Dawson Road in a popular residential area of Keighley. Viewing is essential

This plot has huge potential to be either restored to its original character which would be a stunning private family home or subject to planning permission could be demolished and homes built on the plot. The plot is roughly 1204 m2 in total

Situated close to bus route and relatively close to local amenities and schools. A well-positioned plot in a quiet off the beaten track area with a tranquil feel and an outlook

MODERN METHOD OF AUCTION This property is for sale by the Modern Method of Auction. Should you view, offer or bid on the property, your information will be shared with the Auctioneer, iamsold Limited.

This method of auction requires both parties to complete the transaction within 56 days of the draft contract for sale being received by the buyers solicitor. This additional time allows buyers to proceed with mortgage finance.

The buyer is required to sign a reservation agreement and make payment of a non-refundable Reservation Fee. This being 4.2% of the purchase price including VAT, subject to a minimum of £6,000.00 including VAT.

The Reservation Fee is paid in addition to purchase price and will be considered as part of the chargeable consideration for the property in the calculation for stamp duty liability. Buyers will be required to go through an identification verification process with iamsold and provide proof of how the purchase would be funded.

This property has a Buyer Information Pack which is a collection of documents in relation to the property. The documents may not tell you everything you need to know about the property, so you are required to complete your own due diligence before bidding. A sample copy of the Reservation Agreement and terms and conditions are also contained within this pack.

The buyer will also make payment of £300.00 including VAT towards the preparation cost of the pack, where it has been provided by iamsold.

The property is subject to an undisclosed Reserve Price with both the Reserve Price and Starting Bid being subject to change.

PREVIOUS PLANNING Previous Planning has been granted

14/01691/MAF | (17/04/2014)
Status: Granted
Demolition of single storey workshops and detached dwelling and construction of housing development consisting of 8 semi detached dwellings and 4 one bedroom flats.

11/02070/SUB01 | (20/10/2011)
Status: Granted
Submission of details to comply with conditions 3 and 4 of planning approval 11/02070/HOU: Construction of two pairs of semi-detached houses

SIZE The three buildings cover an area of 470m2
The concrete surface covers an area of 734m2

BUILDINGS The single storey garage still has business use, has previously been used as a garage workshop with roller shutter
The two storey building has been used as storage previously but could be converted into residential use
Dwelling to the rear in a poor state with courtyard to the rear

UTILITIES Mains Electric working
Mains Water working
Mains Gas has been disconnected

Additional Information

Keighley, West Yorkshire

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