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The Commonalties of Home-schooling and Selling a Property

Many people are having to balance the demands of home working and childcare as lock-down continues and if you are doing so we take our hats off to you.

You probably don’t realise it now but some of what you are experiencing now may well be useful to you should you plan to sell your home.


Having to home school will probably have resulted in parents occasionally needing to do a little research via Google to brush up their knowledge on any given topic.

When it comes to selling your home the same research skills will prove useful in analysing your local area housing market, allowing you to determine a realistic asking price and glean ideas on how to best present your property.


A must for all during home-schooling as losing patience often makes a situation worse. In a world where we expect immediate results it’s worth remembering that good things often take time and patience.

The same is true when selling a property. It can be frustrating when the process doesn’t move as quickly or as smoothly as you’d like, but throwing a tantrum won’t achieve anything.


It’s natural to be worried whilst home-schooling. Concerns may arise over schools re-opening or whether other parents are doing a better job with their kids. In reality however you can’t change any of these things, so there’s no point in obsessing over them.

The property market is similar. You can control some things but remember, especially when in a buying chain, you will be relying on other buyers and sellers to get their finances and legal paperwork in place so it’s important that you stay calm and remain optimistic.


In order to get the job done requires flexibility, workarounds are the everyday norm at this time.

Being flexible is also key when selling your home as you need to focus on what it will take to get the best price for your home and then make it happen.


  • If you need to declutter, do it.
  • If your garden is untidy, clean it up.
  • Don’t be too precious.

Here at Martin & Co, we always do our homework so we can deliver the best for our clients. Get in touch to learn more about how we can help you.

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